St Stephen's Church
We are very proud of our close relationship with St Stephen’s Church. The parish priest, churchwardens and the congregation support the life and work our school through regular prayer. The church has a small but diverse congregation representing a wide range of ethnic groups.
As our school is a Church of England School, Lichfield Diocese appoints members of the Church Community to be governors of our school. These governors are called Foundation Governors and in addition to the normal responsibilities of a governor they ensure that the Church of England character of the school is preserved and developed helping maintain our strong Christian ethos together with our school’s high standards.
In addition to the weekly pattern of collective worship the school worships in the parish church at least once each term. These services vary from a carol service and candle lighting ceremony to a celebration of the Eucharist: parents and members of the congregation are always welcome to attend these occasions. The children and staff make an active contribution to the services by serving, reading and leading prayers. A very special and important Mass is celebrated at the end of the summer term when Year 6 pupils receive a special blessing as part of the service.
Throughout the school year classes visit the church for ‘discovery days’ to learn about Christian services including Baptism and Weddings; the vestments that the priest wears together with liturgical colours; stained glass windows; the use of candles in worship and church furniture and vessels.
All services are advertised within school, especially those at Christmas and Easter and members of the school community welcomed to any services.
Regular Services at St Stephen’s
Sunday 11am Solemn Mass (crèche available) (coffee/tea available afterwards)
Wednesday 7pm Said Mass
Saturday 10am Said Mass
View the St Stephen's Church Website by clicking here.